Sunday 19 November 2017

Forexticket Runescape

Come ottenere la vostra quota di mercato 4,5 trilioni di Forex. Javier ha scritto una guida per Forex che è come nessun altro. Se si vuole capire come il mondo del Forex funziona, allora si deve leggere questo libro. (Casey Stubbs, fondatore di WinnersEdgeTrading). Il Manuale Forex Trading ha colpito la palla fuori del parco, una vera e propria casa-run. Abbiamo a lungo bisogno di istruzioni esplicite sul piano di trading tutti i guru dicono abbiamo bisogno, e qui è. (Barbara Rockefeller, autore di analisi tecnica per i manichini, fondatore della Rockefeller Treasury Services). Questo libro è eccellente. si è orientata verso la pratica del commercio. Contrariamente alla maggior parte degli altri libri correlati, dà ottimi consigli su come iniziare e fare progressi. In esso ho trovato l'ispirazione per i miei tentativi. (Arnaud Jeulin, fondatore di forexticket e MATAF). Una guida eccellente per coloro che cercano di prendere il loro forex trading ad un livello superiore. e una preziosa aggiunta a qualsiasi commercianti di forex scaffale. (James Chen, CTA, CMT, direttore della ricerca tecnica e l'istruzione, FXDD, e autore di Elementi essenziali di Foreign Exchange Trading e Fondamenti di analisi tecnica dei mercati finanziari). Una grande risorsa per gli investitori alla ricerca di formazione che integra la teoria del forex trading con l'applicazione sulle industrys piattaforma di trading best-practice. (John Jagerson, fondatore di LearningMarkets e autore di All About Investire in oro). Esso allenatori lettori su come il commercio in coerenza con un approccio disciplinato e come ricondizionare le tue abitudini di trading se sei un professionista con esperienza di vendita al dettaglio alla ricerca di risultati migliori. (Dean Popplewell, capo analista valuta a OANDA e direttore editoriale di MarketPulseFX, OANDAs forex blog). Una concisa, dettagliato, risorsa no-nonsense. Altamente raccomandato. (Jamie Coleman, Managing Editor, ForexLive). Il nostro caro utente, se leggete questo libro Il manuale di Forex Trading, si prega di aggiungere il nostro sito per rivedere il libro. Noi crediamo che la tua opinione sarà molto utile ad altri utenti, per quello che ti dicono grazie Se si dispone di account di social networking come Twitter, Facebook e altri, fare ripubblicare la mia recensione. Cerca Il Forex Trading pdf manuale fornito da open-source internet eToro è uno dei più grandi rivenditori di Forex in Canada, con molte migliaia di clienti. Il broker Forex offre un servizio clienti eccellente, una piattaforma software eccezionale e promozioni lucrative. Ogni account eToro è dotato di un account di pratica utilizzando i tassi in tempo reale al fine di prova di guida del conto per determinare se è la piattaforma per voi. eToro offre anche uno contro uno sessioni di negoziazione e un allenatore di formazione personale per aiutare il commerciante ottenere il loro conto attivo e funzionante e andando nella direzione giusta. C'è anche tutto il supporto clienti per telefono o chat online dal vivo. Il personale di supporto è pronto a rispondere alle domande e risolvere i problemi degli utenti in modo efficace ed efficiente. Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni eToro 038 Per iniziare La piattaforma è ottimizzato per rendere la sua facilità d'uso e la sua facilità d'uso accorcia la curva di apprendimento notevolmente. Il layout della schermata di trading è logico e ben marcato con menù a scomparsa per rendere la navigazione veloce. Il conto dimostrativo presenterà la piattaforma e gli utenti vedranno quanto sia facile il programma è quello di utilizzare. Un ulteriore incentivo da eToro è un fx di iscrizione di 10.000 da utilizzare in qualsiasi commercio. Oltre ai mestieri Forex, eToro offre ai trader la possibilità di commerciare in oro e argento, petrolio, indici, azioni e una varietà di altre opzioni. eToro consente anche di richieste di margini e mestieri leva. eToro offre una scuola di formazione con una vasta gamma di strumenti di apprendimento. Le informazioni aiuta gli operatori a imparare forex e che cosa è tutto. Il centro di apprendimento è caricato con webinar e guide di apprendimento e video che mostrano passo dopo passo l'esecuzione di un mestiere. L'aiuto disponibile aiuterà gli operatori a costruire un portafoglio che è redditizio, sviluppando la strategia che è efficace. La semplicità della piattaforma eToro è uno dei motivi per il programma e i commercianti che lo utilizzano viene successo. La piattaforma è flessibile e disponibile per uso domestico e commercianti in viaggio con la sua applicazione mobile. eToro utilizza anche il commercio sociale che consente a tutti gli operatori per la connessione e confrontare le note, le strategie di scambio e di dare e avere consigli. Il miglior vantaggio eToro offre è i commercianti hanno la possibilità di imparare gli uni dagli altri, copiare gli altri commercianti e seguire gli altri movimenti di trading. Esso fornisce una situazione win win per tutti. Gli operatori possono essere un successo come vogliono e eToro continua ad attirare i clienti e costruire la loro base di commercianti altamente informato. eToro è niente come le imprese di intermediazione noiosa si può essere a conoscenza. L'azienda fornisce quello che definisce una piattaforma di trading sociale che ti connette con milioni di altri commercianti di valuta. Utilizzando questa piattaforma di trading sociale, è possibile copiare altri operatori, la ricerca per i guru di trading, seguire altri operatori e inviare commenti. OpenBook è un incrocio tra Facebook e Twitter, ma per i commercianti di valuta estera. Presenta un feed dal vivo con l'attività buysell, nonché un elenco dei top performer e le loro percentuali di guadagno. OpenBook è un grande strumento per aiutare i nuovi operatori di monitorare il mercato e imparare dagli altri. Il broker market maker eToro richiede solo un deposito minimo di 50 ad aprire un conto e una dimensione minima delle transazioni di 1.000 unità per ordine. rapporti di leva variano a seconda di dove si sta operando da. Il U. S. limiti di leva a 50: 1, ma da altri paesi, gli operatori possono sfruttare fino a 400: 1 con eToro. Tuttavia, questo broker forex supporta solo si diffonde verso il basso per due pip, mentre molti broker ora vanno partire da 0,1 pip. eToro non offre conti islamici e si depositi in USD, EUR e GBP. Questo broker Fx è regolata da numerose agenzie di regolazione nella U. K. Germania, Danimarca, Stati Uniti e Australia. E 'in grado di offrire servizi transfrontalieri per i membri dell'Unione Europea. I clienti provenienti da Asia Pacifico e Australia commercio attraverso IC Markets Ltd, che viene concesso in licenza da The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Nel U. S. eToroUSA è gestito da Tradonomi LLC, che agisce come un introducing broker di liquidità istituzionali (ILQ). eToroUSA e ILQ sono regolati dalla Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) e sono membri della National Futures Association (NFA). Le piattaforme di trading offerti da eToro OpenBook comprendono, WebTrader, Copia. Me, una piattaforma di trading basato su Android e Mobile Trader. OpenBook è la porzione di social networking di eToro, che è possibile utilizzare per copiare i commerci e interagire con altri operatori. WebTrader sincronizza con OpenBook e fornisce strumenti grafici e analisi. Copia. Me consente agli operatori di copiare gli ordini effettuati da altri operatori. Le versioni mobili producono feed dal vivo, l'accesso al vostro portafoglio, copia strumenti e altro ancora. eToro fornisce assistenza clienti via telefono, e-mail e chat istantanea. agenzia di mediazione si trovano nelle Isole Vergini, New York, Cipro e New South Wales. L'assistenza telefonica è disponibile in più di quindici paesi, compresi gli Stati Uniti, Brasile, Regno Unito, Russia e Malesia. Per la formazione, eToro offre quello che definisce un Academy Trading, che comprende webinar, video, consigli di trading, eCourses e altro ancora. La revisione eToro è qui che si guida su una delle piattaforme di trading forex sociale di maggior successo. Leggi la recensione di eToro per scoprire di più sui servizi di intermediazione, condizioni commerciali, eToro revisione della piattaforma OpenBook e molto altro La revisione eToro è raccomandato per le persone interessate a diventare gestori di denaro o semplicemente per quelli che sono alla ricerca di un commercio più ispirazione Leverage: 1: 400 licenze: CySEC, NFA, ASIC spread: da 3 pips clienti USA: Sì alla ricerca di un mediatore sociale Iscriviti con il trading di eToro online ha beneficiato di progressi della tecnologia e l'ambiente è cambiato perché i nuovi mediatori sono entrati loro mercato portando con sé nuove idee. Un recente nuova idea è un social network per i commercianti, completamente integrato con la piattaforma. eToto Broker Forex in breve eToro è un nuovo broker, ma sta rapidamente guadagnando il riconoscimento. Ha lo scopo di educare i propri clienti presentando loro un numero impressionante di strumenti grafici e indicatori in modo accessibile. Gli operatori possono anche imparare interagendo con gli altri, che essendo una caratteristica del trading sociale. La società che possiede eToro è chiamato Tradonomi LLC ed è basato negli Stati Uniti. Si è registrato con la CFTC e la NFA. Esso è conforme ai requisiti patrimoniali e le regole che consentono a un ambiente di trading sicuro. La piattaforma utilizza anche SSL per la crittografia, in modo che tutti i dati riguardanti i clienti ed i loro indirizzi IP sono conservati in modo sicuro. A causa delle loro innovazioni della piattaforma ha vinto un numero impressionante di riconoscimenti da aziende come World Finance, Finovate caduta e CEO europea. Alcune di queste innovazioni sono la possibilità di copiare i mestieri di altri con la eToro Openbook e un maggior numero di strumenti. eToro Forex Trading Broker Caratteristiche trading sociale si basa sulle regole del social network e il contenuto è in gran parte generato dagli utenti, come i messaggi, articolo e video. Il broker incoraggia tutti a prendere parte nel commercio sociale, perché la creazione di un account è semplice e l'interfaccia è amichevole. Le coppie di valute e strumenti di trading sono anche presentati in modo appropriato, puntando sulla semplicità e usabilità al di sopra di altre considerazioni. Il feedback generato dagli utenti è anche uno strumento che aiuta la piattaforma a migliorare e dato che stiamo parlando di un social network di negoziazione, questo feedback viene da più clienti ed è più dettagliata, che consente agli sviluppatori di migliorare la piattaforma in un breve lasso di tempo. eToro Recensione di Piattaforme di Trading La piattaforma è un ottimo posto per essere per gli operatori avanzati, perché possono avere un seguito e troveranno i commercianti che li copia. Ci sono anche un sacco di strumenti che mostrano ciò che la maggioranza pensa la direzione di una coppia di valute si sta dirigendo. Trades può essere mantenuta per brevi periodi di tempo, anche un solo minuto per gli operatori che scommettono su un ambiente volatile. L'azienda offre loro piattaforma di trading in tre varianti: eToro WebTrader, eToro OpenBook e eToro piattaforma mobile trading. Il WebTrader è la piattaforma principale e ha una interfaccia elegante da non sovraccaricare i commercianti con le informazioni. Una caratteristica che è specifico per esso è la funzione chat integrata. È possibile interagire con altri operatori o rimanere invisibile. L'OpenBook prende il social network dispone di un ulteriore passo avanti e li integra in modo da creare un pacchetto impressionante. Gli operatori possono vedere cosa fanno gli altri e interagire con loro. C'è anche la possibilità di copiare i mestieri degli altri. Il Trading Mobile App consente agli operatori di essere informati circa il loro portafoglio, anche se sono in movimento. C'è anche il supporto offerto per Android e iPhone. C'è anche una funzione che impedisce al telefono di andare in letargo quando la formazione sociale si realizza. Ci sono quattro tipi di conti di trading, ordinati secondo il deposito minimo richiesto. Più alto è questo deposito è, maggiore è il numero di funzionalità. Il deposito minimo è compreso tra 50 e 500, a seconda del metodo di pagamento utilizzato. Depositi eToro Forex Broker e le uscite effettuate durante questa recensione eToro abbiamo scoperto che i depositi possono essere realizzati con PayPal, Webmoney, MoneyGram, Netteller o con Western Union. Per i prelievi, il cliente deve compilare un modulo online. C'è anche un informazioni complete su prelievi sulla pagina web di eToro. Questa recensione eToro mostra che eToro è uno dei pochi broker forex che appect paypal. Un aspetto positivo della piattaforma è che non pagano le commissioni e gli spread sono generalmente bassi, a partire da 2 pips. Le tasse di rollover non sono un problema a meno che una posizione è stata lasciata aperta durante il fine settimana. eToro Recensioni Servizio Clienti I gestori sono gentili e affidabili. Il supporto è offerto 24 ore al giorno ed è fornito via chat, e-mail o telefono. Ci sono anche i numeri internazionali per la comodità dei clienti. Durante questa recensione eToro, il personale di supporto è stato molto utile Il centro di apprendimento è ben messo insieme, con una sezione eToroPedia. Ci sono un numero rispettabile di guide, tutorial e un forum dove gli utenti possono inviare le loro idee o chiedere aiuto per quanto riguarda un problema specifico che hanno incontrato. Il personale di supporto è qualificato e reattivo. I vantaggi della piattaforma sono i seguenti: un elevato effetto leva che raggiunge 400: 1, un deposito minimo basso degli spread solo 50 e ridotti. Gli svantaggi sono pochi di cui parlare, soprattutto i tempi di esecuzione che possono essere migliorate. eToro Review Conclusione Per riassumere questa recensione eToro, questo broker sta definendo un nuovo standard per gli altri. I premi che ha vinto confermano la qualità di questa piattaforma, anche prima citiamo le caratteristiche. La piattaforma è divertente da usare e accessibile a quasi tutti. E 'facile per i commercianti di essere coinvolti nella loro attività di trading e di sviluppare una passione per essa. Questo è così, perché possono facilmente confrontare con altri operatori, chiedere supporto e competere per i premi. Se aggiungiamo un centro di apprendimento che è molto ben realizzato, la piattaforma è un ottimo punto di partenza per nuove e avanzate commercianti simili. Sono stato la negoziazione di FX per la maggior parte degli ultimi dieci anni. In quel momento ho visto molti commercianti vanno e vengono, e anche guadagnato un sacco di esperienza. Una delle cose fondamentali che ho imparato è che si può avere successo nel Forex se si dispone di 2 cose. La prima è una buona strategia di trading, che si tiene fede a con la disciplina. Il secondo è un ottimo broker. La ragione per cui ho scritto questa recensione eToro, è quello di aiutare i commercianti prendere una decisione corretta sul fatto che eToro è un ottimo broker e se sarà giusto per loro. Ci sono 5 aree chiave che hanno bisogno di essere guardato quando si sceglie un broker e sono come ho strutturato questa recensione eToro 1. Il profilo è basso minimo di apertura e negoziazione importi. eToro offrire agli operatori la possibilità di scambiare i loro conti pratica gratuitamente. Questo è molto importante se siete nuovi al Forex, o se volete di sviluppare strategie di fiducia e nuova negoziazione. Gli operatori possono iniziare a fare trading dal vivo con solo il 50 e il progresso da lì. Questo significa, quanto costerà al commercio. Se si sono negoziazione di frequente la diffusione sarà presto iniziare ad aggiungere fino, che è il motivo per cui ha bisogno di essere il più basso possibile. Con eToro la diffusione scende a soli 2 pip sulla coppia EURUSD, che è estremamente buono. Esecuzione 3.Instant degli ordini. Ciò è di vitale importanza alcuni broker si ri-citazione che significa che non si può ottenere dentro o fuori dei mestieri al prezzo di richiedere, in particolare durante i mercati in rapido movimento. Questo è spesso una conseguenza di liquidità, perché molti broker hanno don039t volume degli scambi abbastanza per assicurare che possono sempre comprare a qualsiasi prezzo. Tuttavia, eToro è uno dei più grandi broker online. Ciò significa che la liquidità possono dare è molto affidabile. Usano anche un alta qualità, la piattaforma utilizzabile una copia di backup. Opportunità 4. per buona istruzione e formazione. eToro ha un programma di formazione grande con tutorial e guide di formazione. It039s molto facile sviluppare una piena comprensione degli aspetti tecnici e fondamentali che influenzano i prezzi di valuta. Sempre a luglio eToro iniziato 039OpenBook039, che è essenzialmente una rete di trading sociale. Significa che gli operatori possono seguire i commerci o esercita e altri operatori della rete in tempo reale, in tempo reale. It039s una brillante idea, e non c'è niente altro momento simile in tutto il settore. Gli operatori possono utilizzare gli strumenti grafici e di grafici professionali, o fino al secondo notizie e dati finanziari per sviluppare strategie, in concomitanza con la comunicazione e guardando gli altri operatori esperti attraverso la rete OpenBook. Gli operatori possono sia sviluppare la loro conoscenza del mercato e di sistemi e strategie in collaborazione con altri operatori della rete, o addirittura seguire e copiare i commercianti in base al loro sfondo di trading e il successo. Per saperne di più OpenBook qui La piattaforma che usano è anche progettato per essere molto intuitivo. It039s facile da fare i conti con i nuovi arrivati ​​per il video con passanti a piedi, e it039s anche istituito per rendere più divertente e infallibile. Infatti eToro in realtà ha vinto il premio World Finance per l'innovativa piattaforma Trading 039Most 2010039. Per quelli con più esperienza, c'è la modalità esperto, che ha lo stesso livello di funzionalità, ma senza l'aspetto 039game039. Un altro settore chiave e questa recensione wouldn039t eToro completa senza di esso. Tuttavia, gli operatori devono stare attenti con leva, in quanto significa che si sta operando con denaro preso in prestito e le perdite o guadagni sono molto esagerate. Al eToro la leva inizia alle 5: 1 e va fino a 400: 1. È anche possibile scambiare a eToro per tutto il giorno tutti i giorni 247, con il team di servizio clienti disponibile in ogni momento per i problemi e le questioni. Il denaro può essere depositato con carta, filo o con paypal e prelievi sono senza problemi. Hanno lavorato sodo per creare una vera e propria comunità di sensazione per tutti gli operatori dal principiante al professionista. C'è una grande 039regular039 forum oltre a OpenBook a rimbalzare idee fuori o condividere altre esperienze commerciali, così come concorsi di trading e anche una funzione chiamata privata per consigliare dai loro operatori esperti. Sul lato negativo è necessario scaricare la piattaforma software per il commercio, a volte di una piattaforma web based può essere più conveniente. Tuttavia, questo è un punto minore e nel complesso sono molto felice di commerciare con eToro e li consiglio come un mediatore. Clicca qui per visitare il sito ufficiale di eToro. Il più grande mercato Forex Broker elenco dei cambi è molto grande con elevata liquidità. Ci sono un sacco di broker Forex e questo lo rende così confuso soprattutto per operatori inesperti. Quasi nessun broker Forex pubblica tutte le informazioni che forniscono un'idea della dimensione del broker, clienti ecc Ognuno sostiene che sono il più grande broker con centinaia di migliaia di clienti felici. Questo potrebbe essere vero, ma per la maggior parte broker Forex suo lontano dalla verità. Ha senso prendere uno sguardo alla dimensione del broker Forex, anche se questo non è il miglior criterio quando si tratta di determinare il miglior broker Forex. Ma la dimensione ci dice che ci sono un sacco di clienti con questo broker e sembrano fidarsi di lui. In caso contrario, essi wouldnt essere in affari con questo broker. Una grande broker Forex è anche impegnata al mercato e ha più pressione per mantenere certi standard, come le licenze e regolamentazioni. Un nuovo e piccolo broker Forex potrebbe chiudere l'attività rapida e nessuno avrebbe davvero li perdere. Quindi la dimensione di un broker Forex doesnt fare il mediatore serio, ma è un fattore che devi considerare quando si vuole scegliere un broker Forex giusto che si adatta alle vostre esigenze. Come misurare un Forex broker le dimensioni del problema è quello di scoprire quanto è grande un broker sono davvero quando non ci sono informazioni pubbliche disponibili. Abbiamo fatto alcune analisi che funziona con misure indirette. Ci siamo concentrati sul broker Forex elenchiamo nel nostro complete Broker recensioni. Abbiamo scelto tre fattori che sono indicatori per la dimensione del broker. Quando aggiungiamo questi fattori insieme abbiamo trovato il nostro più grande broker Forex. Ricerche di Google. Le ricerche di Google ci dicono quante persone stanno cercando il nome esatto del marchio di un broker Forex. Più le persone sono alla ricerca per la marca, il più alto è il riconoscimento del marchio. Questo è solo un indicatore naturalmente. Ma c'è almeno una correlazione tra Google colpi e il riconoscimento del marchio. Quali sono state cercando è quante persone in cui la ricerca di eToro e quanti per Instaforex. risultati di ricerca di Google. Quando si digita qualcosa nel motore di ricerca Google che mostra quanti risultati sono stati trovati. Se siete googeling per eToro vi mostra circa 5 milioni di risultati. Ciò significa che Google ha trovato il termine etoro su 5 milioni di siti web. I nostri pensieri sono che un broker Forex è più grande quando si vede più risultati. Di nuovo, questo è solo un indicatore. Alexa rango. Con la barra degli strumenti di Alexa si può scoprire come il traffico di un sito assomiglia. Questo è un buon strumento, ma anche non molto affidabile con bassi siti web trafficate. E 'possibile che un sito mostra un rank di Alexa di 1 milione e ha il doppio dei visitatori, in realtà, di un sito web con un rank di Alexa di 200.000. Quando si tratta di siti web ad alto traffico Alexa è più preciso. Quindi, se Alexa mostra 4000, la sua molto probabile che il sito ha più traffico di un sito con un rank di Alexa di 10.000. Questo è il caso con il più grande broker Forex e questo è il motivo per cui Alexa è un modo abbastanza preciso per determinare il traffico di un sito web broker Forex. Il suo vero che non tutti gli indicatori sono assolutamente affidabili ma pensiamo che quando abbiamo messo insieme queste tre indicatori si ottiene una buona immagine e possiamo almeno determinare ciò che Forex broker è più grande dell'altro. Così abbiamo una solida classifica dei più grandi broker Forex: Implementare una formazione completa e strategia di valutazione della formazione e valutazione di strategie e pratiche RTO, tra cui la quantità di formazione che forniscono, sono coerenti con le esigenze di pacchetti di formazione e corsi di formazione professionale accreditati e permettere ogni studente per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni unità di competenza o modulo in cui sono iscritti. Ai fini del punto 1.1, il RTO determina la quantità di formazione che forniscono a ogni studente per quanto riguarda: le competenze esistenti, la conoscenza e l'esperienza del discente le modalità di consegna e dove non viene consegnata una qualifica piena, il numero di unità di moduli eo recapitati come proporzione del pieno qualifica. Il RTO ha, per tutto il suo perimetro di registrazione, e coerente con le sue strategie di formazione e valutazione, sufficiente: formatori e valutatori per fornire i servizi educativi e di supporto di formazione e valutazione per soddisfare le esigenze delle coorti studente che intraprendono l'apprendimento di formazione e valutazione risorse per consentire agli studenti di soddisfare i requisiti per ogni unità di competenza, e che sono accessibili al discente indipendentemente dal luogo o la modalità di consegna e di servizi, sia esso fisico o virtuale, e le attrezzature per accogliere e supportare il numero di studenti che intraprendono la formazione e valutazione. Il RTO soddisfa tutti i requisiti specificati nel pacchetto di formazione pertinente o corso accreditato VET. Che cosa significa questo standard per il vostro RTO Il Qualifications Framework australiano (AQF) è la politica nazionale per le qualifiche nel sistema di istruzione e formazione australiana. Il National istruzione e la formazione Regolatore Act 2011 richiede che RTO sono conformi alla AQF come condizione per la loro registrazione. Il AQF riconosce RTO organizzazioni emittenti autorizzate, in grado di rilasciare titoli AQF e le dichiarazioni di realizzazione a studenti che hanno soddisfatto i requisiti di competenza in materia. Tutte le organizzazioni emittenti autorizzati sono tenuti a rispettare i requisiti del AQF, tra cui il volume di apprendimento. Il AQF ha pieno effetto dal 1 ° gennaio 2015. Il vostro RTO è necessario per sviluppare e implementare approachesincluding fornendo l'accesso a risorse adeguate, strutture e trainersthat garantire studenti acquisire tutte le competenze e conoscenze rilevanti. Il AQF fornisce una guida per il volume di apprendimento (vedi tabella sotto), che descrive quanto tempo uno studente che non detiene alcuna delle competenze individuate nelle pertinenti unità di competenza o di moduli ci vuole per sviluppare tutte le competenze e le conoscenze necessarie. Il volume di apprendimento comprende tutte le attività di insegnamento e di apprendimento, come visite di apprendimento (lezioni, lezioni, esercitazioni, on-line o di studio autodidattico), studio individuale, attività di ricerca, nelle attività sul posto di lavoro e di valutazione di apprendimento. La quantità di formazione fornita dal vostro RTO è parte del volume complessivo di apprendimento e si riferisce principalmente alle attività formali tra le classi e le altre attività, nonché l'apprendimento sul posto di lavoro. Il tuo RTO è tenuto a rispettare il AQF nell'applicare il volume di imparare ai vostri programmi. È pertanto necessario sviluppare e attuare strategie per la formazione e la valutazione che siano coerenti con la AQF. In un ambiente di formazione basato sulle competenze, gli studenti arent tenuti a studiare per un determinato numero di settimane o mesi tuttavia, il RTO deve comunque essere in grado di identificare e spiegare eventuali variazioni significative dei periodi di tempo descritti nel AQF. Se un corso è strutturato in modo tale da essere completato in un periodo di tempo più breve di quello descritto nel AQF, è necessario descrivere in modo chiaro, con una logica basata sulle competenze precedenti e le conoscenze e le esigenze dei discenti, come una specifica coorte discente : ha le caratteristiche per ottenere il rigore e la profondità di formazione richiesto in grado di soddisfare tutti i requisiti di competenza in un lasso di tempo più breve. La descrizione deve tener conto della necessità di consentire agli studenti di riflettere e assorbire la conoscenza, mettere in pratica le competenze in diversi contesti e per imparare ad applicare le competenze e le conoscenze nei diversi ambienti che il mondo reale offre prima di essere valutati. Australiano del volume Qualifications Framework di indicatori di apprendimento automatizzati di trading gruppo strategie linkedin - Aprire un trading account Quant crollo non era, offriamo sistemi pdf Robo para operar forex trading NinjaTrader, responsabile del trading algoritmico seguita. È uno annulla tutti i mestieri, ma lascia trovare la nostra squadra ha acquistato un gelato gruppo esclusivo ha nominato Izzy DeBellis per spiegare il modo in cui. Idee strategie di gruppo linkedin twitter facebook, commerciante automatizzato a xaxis, facebook twitter. Joyce era in precedenza con Citigroup in questo inserzionista. Scopri come funzionano:. 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This is good for Indias international trade as it makes goods and services more affordable, although it means that the money earned can buy less in the global marketplace. Nonetheless, India is one of the four countries in the BRIC group which is predicted to develop its economy more than the current world leaders in the coming decades. India has a policy of allowing its currency to float against other currencies, providing a reasonably volatile Forex pair, politically compared to some of the Eastern Bloc where much tighter control is exercised. Looking at the two-year chart above, you can see that technical analysis has worked well in the past. For instance, in November 2011 the Bollinger Bands narrowed and this was followed by a sharp breakout to the upside. March 2012 had a similar pattern, though less pronounced, and the prolonged narrowing in August and September 2012 was followed by a sharp downtrend. Similarly if you look at the MACD pattern plotted below the main price chart, you can see that it reasonably reflects the price chart, and gives clear indications of the up and down trends that were experienced. It is worth noting that the Indian rupee has been very weak in 2013 and have been in free fall against the dollar having started the year at around INR 55 and falling as low as 61 in July 2013 on domestic economy worries including the huge current account deficit and the over-dependence on capital inflows. A combination of inflation and its commitment to exorbitant fuel subsidies seen to be out of keeping with its deficit reduction targets are major problems. The Indian government subsidises fuel to prevent its inflation and boost its manufacturing sector but this is costing the country way too much. And so far the governments counterinflationary have done little to stop the Rupee losing value against the US dollar. Prices are rising fastest where production is falling most as in agricultural production and this is causing causing the prices of consumables such as wheat, potatoes, Edible oils, meat and fish to increase which hurts the general population. USDINR Rolling Daily Spread Bet When you are spread betting on the foreign exchange markets, you must be careful to keep an eye on international news for any events that may impact the currencies you are trading. Unlike many other underlyings, currencies are particularly susceptible to news events and government manipulations. Of course it can be exciting to bet on the currencies of emerging markets. Typically, these are more volatile than than those of established old world countries, and you may see some underlying trends while the economies establish their position in the global marketplace. The current quote for the US dollar versus Indian rupee (USDINR) daily rolling bet is 5463.2 5483.2. If you think that the dollar is going to strengthen against the rupee, that is the same as taking a long bet, looking for the number which represents the number of rupees which can be bought for dollar to go up. Say you decide to stake 3 per point on a buy bet. As the first example, assume that the price goes up to 5613.2 5633.2, and decide to close your trade and collect your winnings. Your long bet was placed at 5483.2, and you closed at 5613.2, which is an increase of 130 points. Multiplying this by your stake of 3 per point, your total winnings would work out to 390. As a second example, suppose the price fell and you were forced to close it for a loss. Say the price went down to 5388.2 5408.2, so your closing price was 5388.2. Taking this away from the opening price of 5483.2, you find you have lost 95 points. At your chosen size of stake, this amounts to 285 loss. As an alternative for closing a losing bet, you might choose to place a stop loss order, which takes care of ending the trade automatically, with your spread betting provider taking responsibility. With a stop loss order, this losing trade might have been exited at 5418.2 5438.2, which would save you some money. The closing price this time would be 5418.2, a difference of 65 points from the opening price, and therefore you would have lost 195. Can we use technical analysis to analyse the Indian Rupee versus the US Dollar The Indian Rupee is still not a fully float, so technically it cannot be called a freely traded instrument. For technically, we should have two mina pre-requisites, first, a freely traded and liquid instrument, and second, which has mass participation, without any scope for manipulation. The Re trade is having mass participation, it is liquid, but is subject to intervention from the Reserve Bank of India, as it is still not a full free float. On the other hand, the spot forex markets, traded all over the world, have a lesser chance of intervention, because of the sheer size of the markets. As an example, should the Bank of Japan intervene in the USDJPY market, the effect of the intervention is very short lived, and the market seeks the technical levels again. This entry is filed under forex. È possibile seguire tutte le risposte a questo articolo tramite il RSS 2.0 feed. Puoi lasciare una risposta. oppure trackback dal tuo sito. Plus500 is a UK-based CFD (Contract For Difference) service, allowing you to trade CFDs in Stocks, Shares, Indices, Forex, Equities, Securities, ETFs (Exchange Traded Fund) and commodities. Of course, as with all online trading sites, your capital may be at risk when you trade online so please read our buying guide for some more information . Plus500 offers a free demo account with no time limit, meaning that you can try out all of the features of its software without any cost at all. This is enhanced by the ability to use demo money. which means you can learn the art of trading without any risks whatsoever. This is a great way to practice online trading risk-free so that you get comfortable with the whole experience of online trading before using real money. Plus500 allows you to trade in the UKs main index, FTSE 100, with a CFD service, GBPUSD and GBPEUR, providing purchase power for popular UK services and products such as the Royal Mail and UK 100, as well as the common commodities such as oil and gold. CFDs (Contracts For Difference) have become very popular in recent years. As Plus500 explain in their useful Help section, with CFDs, you get all the perks of having a stock, index, ETF (Exchange Trade Fund), forex or commodity position without needing to physically own the underlying financial instrument itself. So rather than buying 1,000 Apple shares from a stockbroker, a customer could buy a 1,000 CFDs of Apple on the Plus500 Trading Platform. A 7 per share fall in the price of Apple would give the CFD customer a 7,000 loss, while a 7 per share rise in the price of Apple would give the CFD customer a 7,000 profit, in the same way as if heshe had bought the actual shares that are traded on the Exchange. With Plus500s CFD service, there are no Exchange charges and no Stamp Duty. According to Plus500, the costs and delays of physical delivery of the shares, their registration and any holding or safe custody charges made by a broker are all avoided. Another benefit of CFD trading is that customers can trade a portfolio of indices, commodities or shares without having to invest a lot of capital. For example, a customer purchasing 70,000 worth of shares will only be asked for 7,000 initial margin for the equivalent CFD portfolio. Unlike some other online stock trading sites, Plus500 uses only one trading platform. simply called Plus500, which works across a range of devices including desktop and mobile devices. It is downloadable (the download takes less than 5 minutes) or accessible using a browser (the web-based trader is available for Mac, Windows, Linux or Android). So if youre on the move then you can still access your account from a mobile device. Whilst this one platform system could be an issue for some users who prefer to use a specific platform (such as Meta Trader), Plus500 really comes into its own when you need to use it on multiple devices because the simple layout and functions remain the same throughout. The user interface provides all of the information you need on one screen, separated by useful tabs for vital sections, which is handy if youre new to online trading, whilst still being powerful enough to satisfy advanced users. All combined, this makes for a flexible system which provides a platform for buying and selling at any time, so you wont lose out on fluctuating share prices if youre on the move. The site doesnt charge commission. rather it takes a cut from the market spread, which begins at just 2 pips. Therefore, youll find that if youre doing well then your profits will be greater than having paid out a percentage of your earnings to a broker. This also means that its easier to follow and predict how much youll make as an end sum, after deductions. It is worth remembering, however, that you will still incur charges for holding a position depending on the time of daynight and the position being held. If you leave your account inactive for over three months you will also be charged a small fee (pound5) to cover basic costs of keeping your account open. Meanwhile, Customer service is of a high standard, as you receive an email reply within 30 minutes, any time of the day or night. You can also fax the office for assistance (if youre old enough to know what a fax machine is), but there is no telephone number or live chat, which is something that could be improved upon from a customer service perspective. The Financial Conduct Authority. one of Europes leading regulatory bodies, regulates Plus500, so you have complete peace of mind that you will be safe using their service. The Plus500 site is also protected and secured by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. like that used with online banking. Adding money to your account is secure and simple, as you can use a wire transfer or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). There is also a PayPal option and you can also deposit money into your account using skrill. Registering with the site can earn you fx money (pound20), and is a relatively simple process that requires an email address and mobile phone number. You may also be required to provide ID. Other deposit fxes are available (for your first deposit) at incremental rates, ranging from pound100 to pound50,000 minimum deposit (the latter offering a pound6,000 fx amount). The site now offers 1:200 leverage on the Forex market. meaning that you can trade with just pound1 for the effect of pound200 capital. Plus500 is an easy-to-use system which should be perfect for people who are new to stock market trading, or for anyone who is new to online trading. The interface is straightforward, intuitive and yet feature-packed and powerful enough to satisfy more advanced users. Although the single CFD-based system might not provide all of the functionality that experts might desire, it does provide a flexible system which can be used on multiple devices with ease. Its insistence on no commission also means that youll be charged a more consistent fee and wont be punished for doing well. The site and service offers all of its users a safe and secure environment for trading, with a few fxes that provide great value for money. So, with its advanced feature-set, flexibility, ease-of-use and a great pricing model, Plus500 earns our number 1 ranking in online stock trading for non-US traders. Click on the button below to check out Plus500 for yourself. Contact Pulse Advisory Pulse Options copy 2012 PLEASE NOTE: Stock and option trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the market. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buysell any stock. PRESTAZIONI RISULTATI IPOTETICI HANNO LIMITI molti, alcuni dei quali sono descritti SOTTO. Non viene stato fatto che qualsiasi account volontà o sia idonea a conseguire profitti o le perdite simili a quelli mostrati. IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE IS THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. INOLTRE, TRADING IPOTETICI non comportino rischi finanziaria e non IPOTETICI RECORD TRADING può completamente conto dell'impatto di rischio finanziario trading reale. FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. Ci sono numerose altre fattori relativi al mercati in generale o quelle relative all'attuazione di qualsiasi programma commerciale specifico che non possono essere pienamente giustificato NELLA PREPARAZIONE DEI RISULTATI DEL RENDIMENTO ipotetica e ognuno dei quali può negativamente sui risultati trading reale. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE TO FUTURE RESULTS. ALL TRADE INFORMATION IS TO BE CONSIDERED HYPOTHETICAL. ALL TRADE RESULTS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED HYPOTHETICAL. IFC Markets provides services for trading the most popular currency pairs in the world. Trade online more than 40 currency pairs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. You can trade currency pairs by using advantages of preferential swaps and tight spreads . USD CNH Trading Hours The US dollar (USD, Greenback) is the most widely traded currency in the world. The issuer is the Federal Reserve System(the Fed). CNH is an offshore version of the Chinese Yuan which has been introduced by Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Peoples Bank of China so as to allow investors to get an opportunity to raise capital in the Chinese currency beyond Continental China. CNH is often called offshore Yuan. Important Components for an Effective Training Program for Customer Service Other People Are Reading The Job Matters According to Andrea Chilcote, owner of Morningstar Ventures, Men and women in organizations today are searching for meaning, work that has purpose. Whether your company sells medical supplies or gives facials, its important to outline the benefits to your customers so that employees understand that they are making a difference in peoples lives. Teach your customer service representatives that their jobs matter---that they are providing a service to people who need it. Share your companys mission statement and help employees understand why they matter. This increases company loyalty as well as performance levels among employees and can only be good for your business. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than a customer service representative who cant help to fix the problem. During your customer service training, provide customer service representatives with a clear outline of how to handle customer complaints and concerns effectively, and for the best level of service to your clients, empower them (or at least their immediate supervisors) to do whatever is necessary to maintain the customer relationship, within reason. Think Like a Customer Work with customer service representatives to help them understand the image a customer perceives of your company. For example, a customer should never hear, I dont know or I cant help you. Instead, customer service representatives can say, I am not sure, but I will find the answer for you or Let me find out for you. The Customer is Always Right Unless a customer is verbally or physically assaulting your customer service representatives, the customer should always win. Teach your representatives to avoid arguing with customers. They should always listen and respond with empathy and ask appropriate questions. And, when needed, an effective customer service representative will admit when a mistake has happened, apologize and make it right. Require your customer service representatives to refresh training each year, and offer additional educational and training opportunities regularly. Continuing education keeps employees interested and up to date and makes them feel important, which increases overall productivity. If you dont have the resources easily available to you, companies such as Administaff can function as a human resources department and educational provider for your company. Swing Trading Strategy for Double Digit Dividend Stock Profits Posted by Tim Plaehn 494 days ago Income investors who have discovered the small sector of Business Development Companies (BDC) know that many of these stocks pay steady dividends with very attractive yields. I have found that the combination of a higher yield plus stable and predictable dividends often produces short term share price swings that are also quite predictable. The dividend swing strategy is one of several strategies used to find the low risk trade opportunities recommended in our 30 Day Dividends newsletter. Trading the dividend related swings of a BDC can produce returns of 5 to 10 quarterly (sometimes sooner) compared to the same returns earned in a full year with a buy-and-hold approach to the very same stocks, and you dont need to risk your money nearly as long holding them. Heres my strategy for trading on dividend swings and picking up quick profits. To start, you need to set up a tracking system to include the BDCs that have stable dividend policies and pay quarterly. This trade does not work well with the monthly dividend payers. Here is the list of BDCs which have the basic requirements to employ the strategy: Apollo Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: AINV) Ares Capital Corporation (Nasdaq: ARCC) Blackrock Kelso Capital Corp. (Nasdaq: BKCC) Fidus Investment Corp (Nasdaq: FDUS) Golub Capital BDC Inc (Nasdaq: GBDC) Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc(NYSE:HTGC) Medley Capital Corp (NYSE: MCC) New Mountain Finance Corp. (NYSE: NMFC) PennantPark Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: PNNT) TICC Capital Corp. (Nasdaq: TICC) Triangle Capital Corporation (NYSE: TCAP) The fundamentals behind the strategy depend on how traders treat high-yield dividend stocks. Group psychology and some trading strategies increase buying interest as a dividend payment approaches and that reverses to selling pressure after the stock goes ex-dividend and the dividend earnings are locked in for share owners. As a result of these mass buying and selling decisions, the share price will often drop in the first few weeks after a stock goes ex-dividend and then start recovering in value to reach a peak in the week or so before the next dividend date. These are the date ranges you need to pay most attention to. For example, over the four quarterly periods ending with the 2014 first quarter dividend payment, PNNT had price swings ranging from 4 to 12 with an average low to high price gain of 8.8. Trade Entry: For the BDCs you have selected, watch the share price after the stock goes ex-dividend. You are looking for a further share price decline of 1 to 2 below the closing price on the ex-dividend date. This low will usually occur within the first three weeks after the ex-dividend date. The entry is flexible and you need to develop a feel for when the share price has bottomed, but the best day to buy is often the one when the share price makes a relatively big drop during a single trading session. Trade Exit: Depending on the previous price swing magnitude of the stock, set a take profit level at 7 to 9 above your entry price. Sell when the target price is reached, or, as an alternative, if the share price runs up through your target early, set the target as a stop-loss to lock in the gain and give the stock time to add to the gain as the ex-dividend date approaches. In all cases unless you want to change to a buy-and-hold position for the BDC sell no later than the day before the next ex-dividend date . Required Research: To be successful with this strategy, you need to review and make notes on the dates and values of the share price lows and highs between the latest years worth of ex-dividend dates. This data will help you fine tune your entry timing and where to set your profit target. Since the set-up does not appear every quarter with every BDC, you need to watch a handful we currently track a half dozen BDC stocks, plus others, for 30 Day Dividends to provide yourself with one or two good entries every quarter. This strategy has a very high probability of not losing money. Historically worst case results produced break-even or 1 loss if the entry rules were followed. Which brings up the most important detail of this strategy: The entry drives the profit. You need to buy when the share price drops after the ex-dividend date. No price drop, no entry. Dont fall in love with the stock and buy it anyhow hoping things will work out. Once you have a trade, set a stop-loss 5 below your entry to protect against a market or individual company melt down. Move up the stop-loss after you have a gain in the share price and then watch for your profit goal or the next ex-dividend date. The final point to remember is that the BDC share prices can stagnate for a significant portion of the 3 months between dividend dates. You may end up waiting for two months after an entry before the rest of the market gets the clue that a dividend payment is pending and drive up the share price. This means that if you do not get an entry price soon after the ex-dividend date, keep an eye on your list of trading BDCs and a late entry opportunity may present itself. This dividend swing strategy is a core strategy, but one of several we employ at 30 Day Dividends to find dividend related trading opportunities with the goal of 25 or greater annualized returns from stable dividend stocks and very low probability of loss. In July, one trade from the first of June newsletter hit the profit target in just 31 days for a 13 gain. That was a great feeling to have a double digit winner in such a short time without having to risk it in small caps, emerging markets, options or other places usually the reserve for quick gains. If youre interested in checking out my 30 Day Dividends service and the strategies we use for trade set-ups with dividend stocks click here . Automated Trading Championship 2010 We are glad to announce that the Automated Trading Championship will be conducted this year - in 2010. The main purpose of the competition is promoting the idea of the automated trading and the new development environment MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5). The total prize of the Automated Trading Championship 2010 is 80,000 US dollars. We always do our best to conduct the Automated Trading Championship on the highest level. This year we keep on preparing the most interesting Championship for you. On the official website of the ATC, we will publish details of all its Participants. Anyone can visit this website to watch trading dynamics of any Expert Advisor and its characteristics. We will also publish weekly statistical reports, interviews with Participants and useful articles. These materials are intended to show the full information on performance of automated trading systems and help traders to develop profitable Expert Advisors. As distinct from previous competitions. MQL5-programs will participate in Championship 2010. This year we are going to release the new MetaTrader 5 Platform with the new Expert Advisor development environment - MQL5. Thats why we decided to conduct the new competition among Expert Advisors written in MQL5. - Stanislav Starikov, the senior developer of the MetaTrader 5 client terminal and the MQL5 environment, said. For the three years of the competition conduction, the Championship has become extremely popular being a specialized site where developers from all over the world can demonstrate their programs. Many EA writers use the Championship as a chance to show their programs and advertise their services. We invite you to take part in the Automated Trading Championship 2010 and prove that you know how to develop profitable Expert Advisors. Experts to Provide Best Practices for Using Encryption to Protect Data and Follow HIPAA Compliance Regulations FLORHAM PARK, N. J. June 17, 2015 PRNewswire -- DataMotion, an experienced email encryption and health information service provider (HISP). today announced the company will present an interactive webinar entitled Tips for Using Encryption to Reduce HIPAA Compliance Risk and Protect Your Data. This free webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 2:00 p. m. EDT. For more than fifteen years, DataMotion has provided secure messaging solutions including email encryption and Direct Secure Messaging and has worked closely with healthcare providers, patients, business associates and clinical systems to ensure they remain compliant amidst evolving regulations, including HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and HITECH. Since the enactment of HIPAA nearly two decades ago, there have been numerous changes within the healthcare industry. The HIPAA Security Rule is flexible enough to adapt to the significant changes in the HIT environment but the healthcare industry is still struggling with the implementation of robust information security programs that protect patients health data. There is a great deal of confusion regarding HIPAA compliance still after all these years, said Chris Apgar, renowned security and privacy expert and president and CEO of Apgar and Associates, LLC. The upcoming webinar will clear up those misconceptions by providing an update on the 2015 HIPAA audits and by offering best practices for lowering your risk as it relates to electronic PHI. Apgar will co-present the webinar with Andy Nieto, DataMotions health IT strategist. Relevant details include: Session: Tips for Using Encryption to Reduce HIPAA Compliance Risk and Protect Your Data Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. EDT Speakers: Chris Apgar, president and CEO of Apgar and Associates Andy Nieto, DataMotion health IT strategist Where: Attendees may register for the webinar by clicking here With OCRs (Office of Civil Rights) renewed vigor around HIPAA compliance, its imperative that organizations understand and follow the latest rules while still maintaining efficient workflow, said Nieto. This webinar will also discuss how to asses risk as well as the critical role email encryption and secure messaging can play in protecting data. Since 1999, DataMotion SaaS technology has enabled organizations of all sizes to reduce the cost and complexity of delivering electronic information to employees, customers and partners in a secure and compliant way. Ideal for highly regulated industries, the DataMotion SecureMail portfolio offers easy-to-use encryption solutions for email. file transfer. forms processing and customer-initiated contact. In the healthcare sector, DataMotion is an accredited HISP (health information service provider) of Direct Secure Messaging. The DataMotion Direct service enables efficient interoperability and sharing of patient data across the continuum of care. DataMotion is privately held and based in Florham Park, N. J. For the latest news and updates, visit datamotionhealth. follow DataMotion on LinkedIn or Twitter datamotion. High vs. low volatility strategies: A different view of risk When investors think of risk. they usually associate it with volatility. This probably stems from Nobel Prize winning economist Harry Markowitzs use of volatility in the 1950s and fellow Nobel Prize winner William Sharpes use of volatility in creating his self-named method of risk adjusting returns. The lower the volatility of a given investment theoretically indicates that that investment carries less risk. Risk, however, could be viewed from a different angle. The impact of a high volatility investment on a portfolio can be mitigated by the allocation size given to that product. By normalizing for volatility, theoretically, high and low volatility investments can have equal impact on a portfolios total return. This leads us to a different way to view risk. Risk is the difference between the anticipated worst loss and the realized worst loss. When viewed through this lens, lower volatility equals higher risk (see ldquoLow vol is not so smart, rdquo right). Inside the numbers While its low volatility seems safe, CZY Fund has almost all the risk in this portfolio. First, its allocation is quite large because of its low volatility. Second, its potential for a downside surprise (realized loss gt anticipated loss) is also quite large. The bulk of the money has been given to the investment with the greatest potential of portfolio devastation. Look at SMT Fund. Even if SMT went bankrupt, that loss would only be 1.33 times the worst anticipated loss. The portfolio would feel the same pain if CZY fund lost 6.67. If CZY fund lost 15, that pain exceeds the worst possible performance of SMT. The banking system did not go bust in 2008 because mortgages lost 80 of their value. The banking system went bust because mortgages lost 80 of their value, AND the banks thought mortgages could only lose 5 of their value. If SMT above loses 80 of its value, the portfolio does not like it, but it is far from catastrophic. Heres the other kicker. The portfolio pays CZY fund 15 times the fees of SMT for the same exposure and 100 times the catastrophic risk. Quite the bargain. This portfolio would be much better served by using a higher volatility vehicle for the exposure procured from CZY fund and ABC (see ldquoHigh vol is not so crazy, rdquo right). This allocation has done several things for the portfolio. Most importantly, the exposure to the asset classes and potential upside of these investments has been maintained or amplified depending on the allocation of profits. This allocation only uses 15.75 of the capital. Downsize surprises have virtually been eliminated. The maximum loss has been capped at 15.75. Fees have been cut by 84.25. All the things you look for in a diversified portfolio are accounted for: Increased liquidity, check. Increased upside check. Maintain exposures check. Limit downside check. Eliminate catastrophic losses check. All of this for an 84 discounted price. Seeking rather than avoiding volatility can lead to a lower cost, more liquid portfolio with a reduced level of risk and an increased potential of returns. Scot Billington co-founded Covenant Capital Management, a boutique CTA that has been managing client assets for more than 15 years. He co-developed the CCM trading models and manages the CCM office in Chicago. More information can be found at covenantcap . How To Put A Winning Training Plan Together An architect wouldnt dream of getting a builder to start work on a building until he was sure his plans were robust and firm. The same should be true for your training. Without a firm plan, youre risking building on sand, and the results will be more from luck than judgement. Here are some ideas about putting the plan together: Make the plan a guide, not the law The key is to get started. Start simple, but start. Remember that there is no perfect plan. Its not important to stick to the plan for the sake of the plan. The plan will likely change as you go along. Thats fine, as long as you have notice that its been changed and why. Remember that Training and Development is a Process Things will change as you go along. There is no destination with people improvement we are continually on the journey. Viewing development as a process will help you get into the right mindset and enjoy the journey. Remember, the plan is general guide. When putting the plan together, assess the following 1. Are there any time lines that you should consider in your plan Do your people have to accomplish any certain areas of knowledge or skills by a certain time If so, this may influence your choice of learning objectives and learning activities to achieve the objectives. 2. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap A performance gap is usually indicated from the performance appraisal process. The performance appraisal document should already include careful description of the areas of knowledge and skills that must be learned in order to improve performance. 3. Or, is your plan to address a growth gap If so, carefully identify what areas of knowledge and skills are needed to reach the goals. How to Trade Gaps on a Stock Chart Are all gaps created equal Nope. There are really only two significant factors to consider when trading gaps. You have to be able to identify if the gap is caused by professional traders or amateur traders. Lets start at the beginning. A gap is defined as a price level on a chart where no trading occurred. These can occur in all time frames but, for swing trading, we are mostly concerned with the daily chart. A gap on a daily chart happens when the stock closes at one price but opens the following day at a different price. Why would this happen This happens because buy or sell orders are placed before the open that cause the price to open higher or lower than the previous days close. Here is an example: Lets say that on Tuesday, Microsoft closes at 26.57. After the close they come out with their earnings report. They report higher than expect earnings that causes excitement among investors. Buy orders come flooding in. The next day Microsoft opens at 27.60. Since there were no trades between 26.57 and 27.60 this will create a gap on the chart. Lets look at a chart: You can see on the chart above that the stock closed at one price and then the next day the stock gapped up creating a price void on the chart (yellow circle). Filling the gap Sometimes you will hear traders say that a stock is filling a gap or they might say that a stock has a gap to fill. Are you wondering what the heck they are talking about In Japanese Candlestick Charting gaps are referred to as windows. When we say that a stock is filling a gap, the Japanese would say that the stock is closing the window. They are talking about a stock that has traded at the price level of a previous gap. Here is a chart example: In this example, you can see that the stock gapped down. A few days later it rallied back up and filled in the price level at which there were previously no trades. This is known as filling the gap. Sometimes you will hear traders saying that gaps always get filled. This just simply isnt true. Some gaps never get filled, and sometimes it can take years to fill a gap. So I really dont even think it is worth debating because it offer no edge one way or another Traders have labeled gaps depending on where it shows up on a chart. It isnt really necessary to memorize all of these patterns but here is the breakdown so that you can impress your trading friends. Breakaway Gaps - This type usually occurs after a consolidation or some other price pattern. A stock will be trading sideways and then all of sudden it will gap away from the price pattern. Continuation Gaps - Sometimes called runaway gaps or measuring gaps, these occur during a strong advance in price. Exhaustion Gaps - This type of gap occurs in the direction of the prevailing trend and represents the final surge of buying or selling interest before a major trend change. Ok, now we are going to get into the really good stuff. Professional vs. amateur gaps When you are looking at gaps on a stock chart, the most important thing that you want to know is this: Was this gap caused by the amateur traders buying or selling based on emotion Was this gap caused by the professional traders that do not make emotional decisions To figure this out you have to understand this one important concept first. Professional traders buy after a wave of selling has occurred. They sell after a wave of buying has occurred . Amateur traders do the exact opposite They see a stock advancing in price and are afraid that they will miss out on the move, so they pile in - just when the pros are getting ready to sell. Here is an example of a gap caused by amateur traders. See how this stock gapped up after a wave of buying occurred These amateur traders got emotionally involved in the stock. They piled in after an already extended move to the upside. These traders eventually lost money as the stock sold off over the next few weeks. Notice how the stock eventually did go back up - but only after a wave of selling occurred (professional buying). Here is another chart: See how this stock gapped down after a wave of selling occurred These amateur traders got emotionally involved in the stock. They sold after an already extended move to the downside. Ok, so lets break this down, shall we If a stock gaps up after a wave of buying has already occurred, these are amateurs buying the stock - look to short. If a stock gaps down after a wave of selling has already occurred, these are amateurs selling the stock - look to go long. These types of gap plays usually provide great opportunities because they represent and extreme price move. Well, there you have it. a short primer on trading gaps. Gaps can provide nice swing trading profits but they can be a little more tricky to trade. The advantage is that you can sometimes make big profits, quickly, and with a little less risk. something every trader should strive for. Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Social Care System 2014 - 2020 The Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health, Public Health and Social Care System 2014-2020 (gateway No 01011) was launched in January 2014. It describes the vision for a sustainable health and care system by reducing carbon emissions, protecting natural resources, preparing communities for extreme weather events and promoting healthy lifestyles and environments. The challenge is how to continually improve health and wellbeing and deliver high quality care now and for future generations within available financial, social and environmental resources. Understanding these challenges and developing plans to achieve improved health and wellbeing and continued delivery of high quality care is the essence of sustainable development. It is important that plans factor in: The environmental impact of the health and care system and the potential health co-benefits of minimising this impact How the health and care system needs to adapt and react to climate change, including preparing and responding to extreme events How the NHS, public health and social care system maximises every opportunity to improve economic, social and environmental sustainability. The strategy outlines a vision and three goals based on the challenges outlined above to aim for by 2020. It describes the opportunities to reduce our environmental impacts, improve our natural environment, increase readiness for changing times and climates and strengthen social cohesion. The main strategy is supported by eight modules. Each module has its own section on this website under Areas of focus providing further detail including implementation guidance. Sustainable Development Strategy launch The Sustainable Development Strategy was launched at an event in London with the support of Sir David Nicholson (then Chief Executive of NHS England), Duncan Selbie (Chief Executive, Public Health England) and Michael Coughlin (Executive Director, Local Government Association). Forex giornaliero Statistiche Controlla per statistiche giornaliere forex tra cui: - Forex correlazione statistica - Forex Volatilità Statistiche Vedere la tabella di corrispondenza Forex sotto così come tavolo volatilità Forex per vedere come coppie di valute diverse agiscono da soli e in relazione tra di loro. Una costantemente aggiornato valuta forza relativa grafico è disponibile in fondo alla pagina. Nello studio volatilità inferiore è possibile fare clic sulla coppia di valute che si desidera visualizzare maggiori informazioni su e sarà tirare su i grafici a destra. Be sure to stipulate the time frame you want to study and then click Submit to update the matrix. 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So, the next strategy we will look at will give traders some tools that are not available to breakout traders. This next strategy is called the Swing Trading strategy, and this will enable you to see trading opportunities when breakouts are just not occurring. Swing Trading Defined To start the process, we will begin with a working definition of what it means to Swing Trade in the Forex markets. ldquoMost traders would agree that Swing Trading involves employing a stylistic trading method that looks to accumulate gains in a currency using shorter term time frames, generally one to four days, rdquo said Haris Constantinou, currency analyst at TeleTrade. ldquoSwing traders employ technical analysis methods to look for currencies that are beginning to reverse in their short term price momentum. rdquo Generally, these trades will ignore fundamental information (such as economic releases or relevant news headlines) and instead look for short term reversal points that are visible in charts. Ways of Spotting the Next Market Move Essentially, what swing traders are looking for is to identify situations where a currency has an increased potential to make a significant move in a short period of time, and this requires a nimble trading style that is able to react quickly to changing market conditions. For these reasons, swing trading styles tends to be used by home-based, day traders as larger institutions tend to have position sizes that are too large for these shorter term trades. Gold trading online on the Forex market with LiteForex Investing in Forex financial tools such as XAUUSD (gold against the American dollar) and XAUEUR (gold against Euro) can secure the gold reserve of your funds. Traditionally, gold is regarded not only as a precious metal but also as an advantageous Forex instrument. Gold has always been much in demand, thats why investing in XAUUSD and XAUEUR can be considered as profitable and reliable. Trading gold on the Forex market, you provide yourself with almost the same profits you could make when investing in gold itself. Invest in silver Silver is a perfect alternative in case youve made decision to diversify risks arising in the process of Forex trading and to protect your funds against market confusions. Being much in both investors and traders demand, which is quite characteristic of all precious metals, silver investments yield high profits. Investments in silver will make you confident about the future since this metal is more stable (less volatile) than gold, but at the same time, it can bring considerable revenues. Trading silver on the Forex market enables each client to enlarge his investment potential. Investing in platinum Platinum trading is a good investment opportunity, thanks to low volatility and huge potential for profit. Platinum is one of the worlds most expensive metals. One of the biggest consumers of platinum is the jewelry industry that accounts for nearly 50 tons of platinum per year. Platinum is also widely used in medicine and, particularly, in dentistry. Platinum is considered to be a stable and liquid means of saving funds during a period of economic instability accordingly, traders can use it as a protective tool, because this metal does not fall in price as much as other assets do, in case commodity markets slump. Conservative traders with big amounts of deposit are traditionally recommended to trade platinum, but besides being an investment instrument, the XPTUSD can be used for hedging. Investing in palladium Palladium is a popular investment instrument as its widely used in the chemical industry and is irreplaceable in some sectors of the automobile industry. As the automobile industry is developing, the demand for this metal and the investment interest are also increasing. The price for palladium is therefore directly dependent on changes in the development of the world industry. The dollar, oil, gold rates and the price for various industrial goods also influence the pricing of palladium. Thats the very reason this trading instrument is extremely popular with traders. Spreads and swaps are indicated according to the current market conditions (data is recorded in the table, straight from the trading server, and is updated in real time). The Company has the right to change spreads and swaps according to current market conditions, depending on the volatility of one or another financial instrument andor interest rate size, when such changes are required. Swaps are calculated at 00:00 terminal time of each working day: triple swaps are calculated on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. When relevant market news is published, Stop Limit levels can increase threefold. The margin requirements are increased twofold for XAU transactions and fourfold for XAG, XPT, XPD transactions. The trading sessions schedule may be modified as trading can be suspended for 5 minutes due to a scheduled server reboot (03:50 - 03:55 GMT2). Developed by ITTrendex Liteforex Investments Limited: Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands MH96960 Financial services provided by LiteForex Investments Limited. 2005-2015 LiteForex 7 Muscle-Building Strategies for Guys WebMD archives content after 2 years to ensure our readers can easily find the most timely content. To find the most current information, please enter your topic of interest into our search box. WebMD Feature Archive Last year, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association updated their recommendations for physical activity. In addition to regular cardio workouts. 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As an organization whose mission is to improve the achievements of all learners through innovative solutions, we are honored to be amongst the finalists in several categories for the 2015 REVERE Awards, said John Campbell, CEO of Cambium Learning Group. We are pleased to see both ExploreLearning and Learning A-Z celebrated as top teaching and learning resources. REVERE Finalist Categories for ExploreLearning. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Innovation: Reflexreg Classroom Supplemental Resources, Mathematics: Reflex REVERE Finalist Categories for Learning A-Z. Classroom Supplemental Resources, Reading and Language Arts: Reading A-Z Classroom Supplemental Resources, Resources for ELLs: Reading A-Z Classroom Supplemental Resources, Resources for Learners with Special Educational Needs: Raz-Kids Classroom Supplemental Resources, Science, Health, and the Environment: Science A-Z For more information about Cambium Learning Group, visit cambiumlearning. About Cambium Learning Group, Inc. Cambium Learning reg Group is a leading educational solutions and services company committed to helping all students reach their full potential. Cambium Learning accomplishes this goal by providing evidence-based solutions and expert professional services to empower educators and raise the achievement levels of all students. The company is composed of four business units: Learning A-Z ( learninga-z ), ExploreLearning reg ( explorelearning ), Kurzweil Education ( kurzweiledu ), and Voyager Sopris Learning ( voyagersopris ). Together, these business units provide breakthrough technology solutions for online learning and professional support best-in-class intervention and supplemental instructional materials gold-standard professional development and school-improvement services valid and reliable assessments and proven materials to support a positive and safe school environment. Cambium Learning Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:ABCD), is based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please visit cambiumlearning. ExploreLearning reg develops online solutions to improve student learning in math and science. ExploreLearning currently has two products: Gizmos reg. the worlds largest library of interactive, online simulations for math and science in grades 3-12 and Reflex reg. the most powerful solution available for math fact fluency development. Gizmos and Reflex bring research-proven instructional strategies to classrooms around the world. ExploreLearning is a Charlottesville, VA-based business unit of Cambium Learning reg Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: ABCD), based in Dallas, Texas. For more information about Gizmos, please visit explorelearning. For more information about Reflex, please visit reflexmath. About Learning A-Z Learning A-Z is a PreK6 educational resource company specializing in online delivery of leveled readers and supplementary curriculum for reading, writing, and science. Founded in 2002 to help teachers differentiate instruction and meet the unique needs of all students, Learning A-Zs resources are currently used in more than half of the districts across the U. S. and Canada, and more than 180 countries worldwide. Serving a wide range of student needs, including ELLESL, intervention, special education, and daily instruction, Learning A-Z includes: Reading A-Z. Raz-Kids. Headsprout reg. Science A-Z. Vocabulary A-Z. Writing A-Z. and ReadyTest A-Z. Learning A-Z is a business unit of Cambium Learning reg Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABCD), based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please visit learninga-z. About the REVERE Awards The REVERE Awards program, presented by the PreK12 Learning Group of the Association of American Publishers, honors excellence across all resources for preK12 and adult learners, educators, and administrators. The program also includes The Distinguished Achievement Awards, The Innovation Awards, The Golden Lamps, and Beyond the Classroom. The REVEREs wide range of categories welcomes all types of materials in any media and for any educational setting. Publishing houses, nonprofit organizations, museums and cultural centers, technology firms, schools, colleges, and research societies have received awards from this program since it was founded in 1967. Read more at revereawards. About the AAP PreK12 Learning Group A division within the Association of American Publishers, the PreK12 Learning Group serves its diverse membership by providing valuable resources and industry intelligence fostering a fair, competitive, and robust market and encouraging the development of professional, quality content for teaching and learning. In 2013, the School Division of the AAP merged with the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) to form the PreK12 Learning Group, which combines AAPs proven strengths in advocacy and legal affairs with AEPs successful programs for the benefit of its members. Read more at aepweb. FOREX TRADING STRATEGIE Forex Trading Strategies per la negoziazione principianti Forex sta diventando una forma sempre più popolare di commercio di investimento. Se siete interessati a negoziazione sul mercato dei cambi, ma hanno poca o nessuna esperienza. Poi, gli investitori sperano che il valore della moneta acquistato sorge più di quello che hanno venduto di PowerPoint PPT presentazione Titolo: strategie di trading forex Si prega di contattare ottenere più lo scambio di informazioni (chiamato anche Forex) mercato è un luogo per lo scambio (acquisto o la vendita) delle valute . Perché commercio di valuta non è per tutti perché commercio di valuta non è per tutti. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be Spreads are the true cost of trading forex. Opening a position results in an immediate loss. Profits only occur whenever the price moves beyond the gap, known as the spread, between the buy and sell prices. The screen shows two prices, the bid and ask. Novice traders understand these terms more intuitively by thinking of them as the sell and buy prices, respectively. You can think of electronic forex trading as a form of sohpisticated haggling. Everyone may agree but that the price is generally X, but everyone also wants to try to shave a few pips off of the price. Traders want a discount. Disagreement in the marketplace causes the bid and ask to exist. If someone wants to buy euros, someone else wants to sell them and they both agree on a price, a trade occurs. When a trade does not occur, which is most of the time, the spread reflects disagreement among the group. A trade entering the market generally causes the price to move. Consider an example where someone buys dollars. The dollar should rise in value to reflect the latest transaction. The buy trade removes the previous ask from the market depth. The next ask becomes the best available price for purchase. The other side of the market, the bid, sees the price adjust. Traders typically responds by adjusting the bid in the same direction. The traders offering the bid expect the price to rise. That is, after all, the reason that youre able to sell. Youre selling what theyre buying and youre buying what theyre selling. The movement of the price causes a reaction. The people behind the bid still want to buy at a price better than the market using a limit order. They also realize that the price is moving away from them. A common reaction is for the bid to adjust approximately the same distance as the movement in the ask. The adjustment in the spread is what keeps it relatively consistent. You only pay the spread once. When you enter a buy trade, you enter on the ask. The only way to exit that trade is by selling at the bid, a problem that occurs immediately upon entry. The movement of the ask price from that point forward is completely irrelevant. The ask could drop or explode upwards. It doesnt matter to your trade. Your trade can only exit on the bid. Its the only price that counts when youre already long. One unique aspect of forex trading is that the brokers bury their commissions in the spread. Say, for example, that the wholesale price of USDJPY is 76.480 on the bid and 76.485 on the ask. Brokers read this type of quote 76.480 at 76.485, with the bid coming first and the ask quoted last. The broker then takes the prices and mark them up like any middle man. The mark up varies between brokers. Most charge an additional 1 to 2 pips per transaction. The broker faces three options when marking up the spread he can add it to the bid, the ask or he can split the difference between the two. Current market conditions dictate which option is the most suitable. Although it seems like a good idea to tack half of the mark up on both sides of the bid ask spread to eliminate guessing incorrectly, this doesnt usually work out well for the broker. Order flow comes in very unevenly and usually with a strong bias in one direction. I posted in the past about forex trader sentiment and how lopsided the trades of retail traders can be. If the forex broker sees that 75 of the GBPUSD orders coming in are to buy, then it makes sense to heavily weight the spread cost to where all of the business is. Consider an example where the next 100 lots traded will be 75 buys and 25 sells with a 1 pip markup. If the 1 pip mark up on the spread applies to only the bid, then there would only be 25 lots where the broker earns his pip. Thats the dumbest thing he can do in that situation. He could evenly split the markup with 0.5 pips added to the bid and 0.5 pips added to the ask. He would make 0.5 pips on 25 lots and 0.5 pips on 75 lots for a total of 50 pips. The best scenario for the broker is to let the traders going short trade for free and to charge all of the traders going long the full pip. He doesnt make anything on the short flow, but he makes 75 pips on the long traders. Its clearly in his best interest to full mark up the spread in one direction whenever the order flow is uneven. Traders are on the losing end of spread markups. It completely eliminates pricing transparnecy. Most brokerages allow you to review within their statements the break down of profit and loss into categories. Commissions and trading costs are most definitely found on every trading statement from stocks and futures brokers. Not so in forex. You can guess trading costs and thats it. Spread mark ups also eliminates trading opportunities. A client that I visited in Dubai in 2009 absolutely loved FAP Turbo. He swore up and down that it was the greatest EA that he ever bought. His only complaint was that the EAs performance depended entirely on the broker. He often complained the most about FXCM because they charged the largest mark ups. FAP Turbo worked by waiting for unlikely, fleeting moments of volatility in ranging pairs like the EURGBP. When the price corrected, the EA sought to take the smallest of profits something on the order of 3-5 pips. The problem stemmed from the fact that the mark up would cause the take profit not to hit. The wholesale price would reach the limit, but because of the spread mark up, the price he was paying often missed his limit. My client preferred to pay a direct commission. Even though the cost was identical, the increased probability of a successful trade dramatically affected the net outcomes. Spread reflects risk and liquidity Each currency pair usually has its own spread. The spread of a currency is a function of its risk and liquidity. When traders look at an exotic currency pair like the ZARJPY or USDTKY, the first thing that they notice are the spreads that seem incredibly wide when compared to the pairs that theyre used to trading. Thats because hardly anyone trades those pairs. The lack of interest means that anyone that makes a market in an FX pair needs to receive sufficient compensation to make it worth their while. Sufficient compensation here means charging you a fat spread. The low trading volume, which is called liquidity, creates a problem with risk. The largest financial instruments in the world like currencies and stock indeces usually only move a few tenths of a percent per day. Instruments with less trading activity almost always exhibit higher volatility. Prices are more suspeptible to violent moves when fewer people participate in a market. The people making a market in those currencies charge a higher premium as a consequence. Trading is a marketplace Its important to remember that the numbers on the screen are not computer generated. They are real prices that real traders offer in the market place. The word trade accurately describes the transaction. Someone must agree to a trade before it can occur. Clicking a button to buy does not assure that you get to buy an unlimited quantity at the price displayed. Individual Development Plans MiddleMain Content Area Action: Strongly encourage the use of individual development plans (IDPs) on all NIGMS-sponsored training and research awards. At its best, research training is an intentional and purposeful activity that is the product of a thoughtful analysis of the background, interests and needs of each student and postdoctoral trainee. This includes developing a mentoring plan that assesses the needs and goals of each student and postdoc, describes short - and long-term career objectives, and identifies professional development activities needed to reach them. The individual development plan (IDP) is a tool to help in this planning process and also to facilitate communication between mentees and mentors. An IDP should be viewed as a dynamic document that is periodically reviewed and updated throughout an individuals training. IDPs are of proven value at any stage, from the undergraduate to the postdoctoral level. The concepts of mentoring plans and IDPs are not new, but recognition of their role and effectiveness in research training is fairly recent. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and the National Postdoctoral Association have been early proponents of the use of IDPs for postdoctoral career planning. Excellent examples of IDPs can be found on the Web sites of these organizations: Custodial Forex Accounts to Tier1FX The solution for Forex deposit security is through custodial bank accounts. With our partner broker, Tier1FX, Custodial accounts are available via Dukascopy Bank, Swiss Banks affiliated with Dukascopy and Macquarie Bank in Australia . Many Forex brokers advertise segregated bank accounts however, segregated bank accounts are still under the brokers banking. Segregated bank accounts can still be frozen in the event of broker insolvency. This is not the case with Custodial accounts because the bank account is opened and maintained by the client. The account is operated under a tripartite agreement among the client, custody bank and Tier1Fx. Under the agreement Tier1FX is permitted to debit or credit the account for trading gains or losses daily. This is ideal for large investors and traders looking to mitigate incidents such as the Swiss National Bank decision in Jan 2015 that made many reputable brokers such as Alpari UK, FXCM and Boston Prime insolvent. The minimum deposit for a Custodial Account is 250,000. They can be opened for individual trading accounts or investments in our MAM. Please contact us below for more details and the signup process. Always identify market conditions prior to trading Your strategy and entries should reflect the market Plan your risk and write your trades down to stay accountable Traders should have a checklist to consult prior to making any major trading decisions. These steps are critical for Forex scalpers as they often have to make these choices on a moments notice. Per aiutare con il processo può essere utile per mantenere una lista di controllo e di determinare le opzioni prima di approccio al mercato. Today we will review the scalpers checklist. Lets get started Identify Market Conditions The first task assigned to day traders and scalpers is to identify market conditions. È il trend di mercato o che vanno è la volatilità di una attività bassa o alta Queste sono due questioni importanti che dovrebbero essere risposta Ed prima di entrare in una nuova idea commerciale. Non solo questo aiuterà i commercianti di Forex quale coppia di valute per il commercio, ma anche contribuire a determinare la loro strategia. Ogni scalper e day trader dovrebbe controllare questo fuori la loro lista, prima di considerare tutte le voci di mercato scegliere una strategia volta che si trovano condizioni di mercato, gli operatori hanno bisogno di individuare una strategia che è congruente con il mercato. Se si sta operando una tendenza, è necessario trovare non solo la direzione del mercato, ma anche decidere se si sta andando al commercio un ritracciamento, quantità di moto o di una strategia di breakout. In lack of a trend, traders again need to decide how to approach pricing patterns, support resistance values, as well as potential breakouts. Con così tante strategie da scegliere, vale la pena di prendere il vostro tempo e fare la vostra dovuta diligenza prima di controllare questo dalla vostra lista scalping. Organizza il tuo commercianti voce successiva necessità di selezionare il modo in cui stanno per entrare nel mercato. In genere i commercianti hanno bisogno di stabilire prima se sono il commercio con gli ordini di mercato o di ordini di entrata. ordini di mercato consentono di scambiare immediatamente se sono soddisfatte le condizioni e si sono immediatamente di fronte al vostro terminale commerciale. Entry orders can be used and will execute at a designated price even if you arent watching the market. Una volta che questo è deciso, i commercianti devono valutare quali indicatori se del caso saranno utilizzati per la negoziazione. Nel caso un indicatore viene aggiunto al grafico, prima dell'esecuzione, piano nel suo utilizzo e conosce pregi e limitazioni. Quando si è certi al 100 sul vostro ingresso innesca allora si può procedere alla successiva parte della lista di controllo. Questo punto della nostra lista di controllo va oltre il semplice posizionamento di arresto e limitare gli ordini. Scalper devono considerare con attenzione quanto si dovrebbe rischiare su ogni commercio. A questo punto dovrebbero sorgere domande specifiche. How many pips are you risking per trade What is your average profit target per trade How does a stop order being executed equate to a loss on my account While no trader wants to take a loss it is paramount to determine these values prior to scalping. Una volta impostati questi valori, è possibile contrassegnare questo punto fuori vostra lista di controllo. Ora tutto quello che hai lasciato è quello di tenere conto voi stessi per le vostre decisioni commerciali. Log I risultati Traders, scalper soprattutto a breve termine, hanno la tendenza ad essere sempre alla ricerca per il commercio successiva. While looking for trading opportunities isnt a bad thing, we should also remember to go back and review past events. Tenere un registro di commercio può aiutarci a individuare le tendenze del mercato e riflettere se la strategia sta funzionando nelle condizioni attuali. Per contribuire a questo processo, gli operatori devono tenere presente, perché, quando e come è entrato in un mestiere. If your strategy is working, stick with it and keep your original strategy rules. If youre trading is not working out as planned, with a log you can identify what must be changed and make appropriate adjustments. Anche se questa lista di controllo può sembrare scoraggiante in un primo momento, questi sono tutti passi importanti da considerare prima di scalping. Per aiutarvi lungo la strada, leggere nella guida a Scalping. This is a great resource to review prior to tackling some of tradings tougher challenges ---Written by Walker England, Trading Instructor To contact Walker, email wenglandfxcm. Follow me on Twitter WEnglandFX. To be added to Walkers e-mail distribution list, CLICK HERE and enter in your email information. Nuovo per il mercato FX. Salva ore a capire che cosa forex trading è tutto. Prendete questo libero 20 minuti ldquoNew al corso FXrdquo presentato da DailyFX Istruzione. Nel corso, si apprenderanno le basi di una transazione FOREX, ciò che leva è, e come determinare una quantità appropriata di leva per il tuo trading. DailyFX fornisce forex notizie e analisi tecnica sulle tendenze che influenzano i mercati valutari globali. Imparare forex trading con un conto di prove libere e le tabelle di trading da FXCM. 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The 144 EMA breakout forex strategy uses only one indicator to take informed buy and sell signals: the 144 period exponential moving average. This strategy works best in a trending environment and on the larger time frames (less false signals). Indicators: 144 EMA, BarTimer Preferred time frame(s): 1 hour and above Preferred Currency pairs: Medium to high volatile currency pairs (GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPJPY, EURJPY,) GBPUSD Daily Chart As shown in the GBPUSD chart above, its really easy to spot new trading opportunities. Just wait for the candlestick to fully close above the 144 EMA from below for buy signals or fully close below the 144 EMA from above for sell signals. Criteria 1: Candlestick must fully close above the 144 EMA from below. (candlestick low price must close above the 144 EMA) Criteria 1: Candlestick must fully close below the 144 EMA from above. (candlestick high price must close below the 144 EMA) This is your sell entry. Place your stop loss 5 pips above the latest swing high price. Price Objective: Risk-to-reward 1:2 (i. e. risking 75 pips to make 150). Use a trailing stop. Stocks Basics: How Stocks Trade Most stocks are traded on exchanges, which are places where buyers and sellers meet and decide on a price. Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions are carried out on a trading floor. Youve probably seen pictures of a trading floor, in which traders are wildly throwing their arms up, waving, yelling, and signaling to each other. The other type of exchange is virtual, composed of a network of computers where trades are made electronically. The purpose of a stock market is to facilitate the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, reducing the risks of investing. Just imagine how difficult it would be to sell shares if you had to call around the neighborhood trying to find a buyer. Really, a stock market is nothing more than a super-sophisticated farmers market linking buyers and sellers. Before we go on, we should distinguish between the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market is where securities are created (by means of an IPO) while, in the secondary market, investors trade previously-issued securities without the involvement of the issuing-companies. The secondary market is what people are referring to when they talk about the stock market. It is important to understand that the trading of a companys stock does not directly involve that company. The New York Stock Exchange The most prestigious exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The Big Board was founded over 200 years ago in 1792 with the signing of the Buttonwood Agreement by 24 New York City stockbrokers and merchants. 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